Thursday, July 7, 2011

Botanizing and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

I joined colleagues I met at the Ecosystems conference for weekend excursions that involved botany, natural history, taxonomy, and ecology in forest reserves and at Volcanoes National Park. I felt really spoiled! Karl - an insect taxonomist - was awesome and let me stay at his place in Hilo during this fun filled weekend.

Aside: I am getting used to living out of my backpack and sleeping on others scientists' couches! My place is a 2.5 hour walk and bus ride combo from Hilo, so it is convenient to stay with other scientists from time to time. I am also frequently carpooling given that the Hele-On transit here is far from rapid...

Day 1: Mostly Botanizing

Definitely at home with all the plants!

Looking for rare plants, and native snails

Shoes are over-rated according to Musuri!

Pasture before the forest: root beer smelling plant found here!

Day 2: Volcanoes National Park

Practicing being a Hobit...

I was safe...honestly...

The nene looks like a Canadian Goose...

Wandering around the Kipuka...

More photos later! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you're having a great time! I'm so glad for you. I'm on a small vacation back in Sweden right now, botanizing among my old friends and ice cream tastes (oh there is so much ice cream here!) I'll be returning to Vancouver on monday though. You're missed in Kelowna! Hope to hear more from your travels. Take care, Kristin
